20 Jul new website zaitexfashion.com
In order to facilitate the adoption and use of online tools, the website has been completely redesigned to be a tool available to internal sales engineers, Italian and foreign distributors and also new or potential customers.
The website zaitexfashion.com has been redone having as target audience an audience composed mainly of companies in the dyed and denim sectors.
In particular, companies in the production chain and finishing of the garment, for example textile industries or laundries.
Objective: to show the possible effects on the garment obtainable by applying the products and dyeing processes studied by the ZAITEX research.
The main features of the site:
- it is written in two languages, the main one is English, the other is Italian, and the texts are written in a colloquial and direct tone of voice;
- it is suitable for every device;
- it is structured for a B2B market user.
Navigation has been developed as follows:
- a navigation path without login, so a visitor has access to a gallery of garments that illustrate and shortly describe some of the effects achieved and the ZAITEX products used to obtain them;
- a navigation path with login (with user registration), for which a visitor – after collecting and verifying his data – has access to the following documentation by password: product and process explanatory brochures – for example: ZETAFLEX ZL SPECIAL, ZETAREACT FD, ZETAREACT CDF 200, etc. and all the other effects of the zaitexfashion brochure;
- dedicated auxiliary catalog for garment dyed;
- dedicated auxiliary catalog for denim;
- eco-friendly products for denim.
Compared to the initial version of a few years ago, today the website is a container of information material organized on several levels to which different degrees of access and function correspond.
The potential customer, as well as the sales engineer or the foreign distributor, can download updated information documents – mainly the brochures.
However, it does NOT have access to Safety Data Sheets or Technical Data Sheets, nor to price lists. The occasional visitor, on the other hand, can only access a small part of content.
The project includes a substantial part of web analytics, that is, measuring the performance of the website.
Thus, for example, user access to the available documentation is tracked to allow analysis of their online activities with the actual sending of samples, the issuance of new orders and so on. Registered user data automatically and profiled a list of contacts for sending a newsletter. For this communication activity, the contents available on the site constitute a landing and interaction point.