Today sustainability is everyday life for those who embodies it.

On the other hand, it is a list of mere statements for those who distractly wear it.

It is everything for those who inherit and express the artisan culture of always doing their best, for those firmly planted on the ground but courageously looking ahead for innovative solutions. Sustainability is imperative for those who choose to boldly embark on this great collective journey, taking care of those who travel alongside them as well.

And it is essential for those aware of how each of us is only a guest on this world. A world that we have the important task of protecting. Ensuring its survival means protecting the right of every human being to continue to look far ahead.

ZAITEX’s policy on health, safety & sustainable environment


ZAITEx S.p.A. is a +45 years italian company, having an important business goal in mind: to give full support to the Customer for the R&D of bespoke dyeing and colouring solutions for different markets such as textile, leather and other special ones.


ZAITEX’s policy is customer centric and puts at the core of our business the following activities: to make a constant effort in developing proactive and tailor-made innovation; to put the product and environment safety first; to pay careful attention to today’s and future impact of our job and actions.


The company’s mission is to provide products and dyeing or colouring solutions by using the technology in our possession in order to create significant value for our Customers. Similarly, the company wants to contribute in making a sustainable future, by reducing our actions’ impact and the ones from the markets we serve at different levels: environmental, social and climate.


ZAITEX’s vision of the future projects the world as a globalized space in which someone’s activity will have one or more consequences in everybody’s life, also and above all in future generation ones and, in a wider sense, in the nature around us and the environment where we live.

We choose to reduce at the minimum our environmental impact so that, through technology and innovation, our approach can bring ideally everyone to adopt the same good habits for a sustainable future.


We would like to accomplish our mission by achieving the following goals:

  • to apply our fundamental values in the company’s code of conduct: honesty, integrity, respect and responsibility
  • to collect and communicate in a proactive way all the information on environment, health and safety as regards our products to all the stakeholders, including associated, contractors, distributors, customers, shareholders
  • to give to our employees, distributors and customer all the necessary information to use, keep, recycle and disposal of our products in a safe and eco-friendly way
  • to tenaciously promote the adoption of innovative procedures in order to reduce our impact on environment, people and climate
  • to respect the law and the applicable regulations in terms of environment, health and safety
  • to continuously monitor our environmental impact on a qualitative basis
  • to involve all the managers, employees and partners to be conscious of our mission, vision and policy and to be aware of their responsibilities
  • to arrange safe, clean, efficient and law-compliant facilities and run our commercial business in a sustainable way and truly responsible from a perspective that affects the environment and the society

Our energy comes from
renewable and clean sources

ZAITEX concern about environmental impact is crucial. Several years ago ZAITEX invested in three different photovoltaic systems capable of bringing clean energy to three different branches, granting a positive balance between the consumption and the production of energy from renewable sources.

This year, our systems have produced the following amount:


Most recent values available

YearProduction of energy% energy from renewable sources
202221427082,3% *
due to maintenance