Chromium VI in Leather Goods: New Restrictions

Chromium VI in Leather Goods: New Restrictions

Commission Regulation (EU) No. 301/2014, amending the Annex XVII of the Regulation (EC) No.1907/2006 (REACH), has established restrictions on chromium VI in leather articles and parts. It has been demonstrated hat skin exposure to chromium VI can induce sensitisation and elicit an allergenic response. The following new restrictions apply: Leather articles coming into contact with the skin shall not be placed on the market where they contain chromium VI in concentration equal or greater that 3 mg/kg (0,0003% by weight) of total dry weight of the leather; Articles containing leather parts coming into contact with the skin shall not be placed on the market where any of those leather parts contains chromium VI in concentration equal to or greater than 3 mg/kg (0,0003% by weight) of the total dry weight of the leather part. This regulation applies from May 1st, 2015. The restrictions do not apply to the placing on the market of second-hand articles which in end-use in the European Union before May 1st, 2015. The EN ISO 17075 standard is the only international recognized method currently avaible to detect chromium VI in leather. source: UL-ICQ, june 2014