ZAITEX @ Simac Tanning Tech 2024 with Corichem

ZAITEX @ Simac Tanning Tech 2024 with Corichem

ZAITEX participated in Simac Tanning Tech 2024 as a guest of Corichem, which presented the RiBioPel and Spectra projects, innovative solutions for a more sustainable and responsible tanning.

On this occasion, ZAITEX technicians from the leather department shared their experience on certified ZETAPEL dyes, producing high-performance dyeing leathers with excellent fastnesses for the automotive sector; this was enough to demonstrate that research, development and performance can complement each other to fully meet the most restrict market requirements.

Participating in Simac Tanning Tech with Corichem is another step together towards an increasingly successful collaboration to promote cutting-edge solutions for the tanning industry.